Registering your Groupon is simple, Just follow these steps:
1. Create an account by following this link: Create my account
2. Do not purchase anything at this time. You won't be able to register for class yet, but you already have your Groupon. Simply come to one of our studios 15 minutes before the scheduled class time and show the teacher your groupon voucher on your phone.
3. Only one Groupon is valid per person, but after your Groupon is used up you can sign up for a great deal on our monthly auto-pay. Just ask your teacher when you come in for class!

Just a Few Tips for Newcomers
Be on Time! New Students MUST be signed in and present for class at least 5 minutes before class begins.
Drink lots of water! Try to drink at least 1-2 liters of water during the day of/evening before class. Especially if you're attending our Traditional Hot Yoga Class!
Refrain from big meals for 1-2 hours before class. Light snacks, fruits, vegetables are recommended if you need something before you practice.
Wear snug-fitting, light weight clothing. Sport tops, tank tops, yoga shorts are recommended for women, and yoga/workout shorts or swim trunks are recommended for men. Bring a yoga mat and a large towel.
You'll also have access to tons of online classes and videos!
Come with a positive attitude &
an open mind!

We are open 15 MINUTES before and after each class. Ours doors close once class begins, be on time!
Please bring your own mat, towel, water, shower towel, and any toiletries you need for your class, and a change of clothes for afterwards. Mats, towel, and water are available for rent/purchase.
Come to class with clean body, clean feet, and avoid perfumes or scented ointments (Tiger Balm, etc.).
Leave shoes in the lobby and personal belongings in the locker rooms. We have plenty of storage space for these items.
During Class
Be prepared to stay in the room! If you have to leave the room, please do so discreetly as to not interrupt other students during practice.
Please align your mat so that others around you can see themselves and the instructor, and if you are practicing in the front row, make sure students that are behind you can see themselves in the mirror.
Please refrain from conversation while class is in session. We have plenty of lobby space for you to socialize after class!
...After Class
Exit the room quietly and respect the others who choose to remain in a longer Savasana.
Take all of your belongings with you! Yoga Factory is not responsible for lost or stolen items. We do have a Lost & Found, but left items will be discarded after one week.
Be respectful of all teachers and students you encounter. This is an all-inclusive environment.